Friday, December 3, 2010

magnolia bakery

magnolia bakery
To be so lucky to live in L.A.  One of my favorite cupcake places from New York makes a new home on 3rd Street in West L.A.  The bakery is huge compared to the original bakery in NYC.  The bakery reminds me of some good times when celebrating my sister's birthday last year.  Here are some nostalgia.
              wall streetimagine circle
My sisters and me at the Financial District and me at Strawberry fields in Central Park.
3 sisters
The Beduya sisters resting after our walks around the park.
momaegon schiele
At the MOMA: Moi at the courtyard and My sis with Egon Schiele.
The original Magnolia Bakery in the West Village.
brooklyn bridgeguggenheim
The Brooklyn Bridge and the Guggenheim. The Guggenheim is a true gem in the city.
empire state building
The second time around in the Empire State Building and enjoying the night time view.
hello kittytimes square
Moi and Hello Kitty and Time Square aka Disneyland.

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