Saturday, July 15, 2006


Saw Dashboard Confessional last night.  I thought I was fan until my experience at the concert.  There are tons of devoted fans who know every single lyric to every single song and sang along with Chris.  The energy from the crowd was memorable and so was Dashboard.  Chris sang very well and he played off the fans enthusiasm by letting them sing with him.  I would see them again.

Monday, July 10, 2006

l.a. adventures

I have been working like crazy to make up for the days off during Glen's visit in L.A.   
Glen's visit was refreshing since I get to see all these tourisy places and take pictures.  I live in the L.A. county and I rarely explore the tourisy spots, which I should do more often.  The  highlights were Britney Spears star, cream puffs, Santa Monica, the Getty, Prada store in Beverly Hills (very chic' and modern), tapas in Pasadena, a tiny and sexy bar called Magnolia (located across Borders), Fiesta Cantina, and cute waiters.  It was nice to see a friend.