Yes, Wednesday was a great day. After taking the most nerve racking test since starting summer school, I just found out I was approved for a BOG fee waiver. This means my education is free for a year. I am happy since school is getting pretty expensive. I just purchased my school uniforms for clinicals and it was almost $200.00! I also have books to worry about. On my list, I have at least 5 books to purchase (eeek)! Am I really going to be needing these books? Getting financial help is of help for me. I sometimes get angry that other countries don't have to worry about paying for their education. It just sucks to live in America, the land of debt!
On a lighter note, I saw the Fray on Wednesday night and they were pretty good. Some of the songs on the album can get sleepy, but they did a very good job adding new sounds and increasing the tempo. They are pretty good live. They have grown as a band and you can tell all the touring across North America has matured their sound. Ended the night at Fred 62, which has changed a lot! Not as many hipsters (good thing), food gone ethnic (good), annoying L.A. types (bad), and they ran out of fries (hello)!
This reminds me of Grey's...
They sang their very own country song.
How to Save a Life
Girl groupies from the audience; bitches with pit tickets!
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