I saw the flyer at Juxtapoz magazine and instantly was drawn to the painted elephant. Never saw nothing like it and probably never will. Saturday was the only day for me to check this art/graffiti extravaganza.
Who is Banksy? Banksy is a graffiti artist from the U.K. who is based in L.A. He uses stencils to graffiti his work on walls, monuments, pretty much anything (even stenciled a wall in Jerusalem). Most of his work at Barely Legal were "tongue and cheek" art and mostly political. A lot of hilarious pieces such as the famous statue of David, gone hip hop cool. Click here to access his website and get a taste of what he does.
About the elephant? I was impressed how much work it took to stencil the animal, but feel quiet sad it was stenciled. According to the people at the show, the elephant has been painted before and is a circus animal. I don't know if Banksy wanted the viewer to have mixed emotions; my heart melted when the elephant could not barely get out of the warehouse. It was surreal seeing this animal just placed in a context of everyday living. It is suppose to deem normal that an elephant is in the middle of the living room, hanging out (a pink and gold one I might add).