Linday and her man. They look regal in this romantic dance.

Linday and me. I just noticed her dress is kinda mermaid like. It really fits the beach theme she was going for.

Friends and my two cousins (kinda off to the right for some weird reason). I luv the bridesmaid dresses. It can be recycled to another event.
It was my dearest friends Lindy and Che's wedding today. My cousins and I had to trek out to San Diego earlier this morning looking fabulous. It was a small intimate wedding with just family and close friends. The wedding and reception was at a ballroom in a naval base. The view was suprisingly beautiful. It is a military base, so the safety precautions were in standard order. When she told me that you needed your i.d. to get in, she meant it. We missed the ceremony, and I heard it was a dramatic one since the groom cried a tear or tears. Darn it! I enjoyed her wedding because I saw friends that I haven't seen in months at the wedding. They are xanga users, and you sometimes get a sense of their daily encounters in life, but it was nice to see them off the computer screen. The wedding was not so stiff and formal. It is always more fun to be the guest than be part of the bridal party.